Dynamics 365 ERP

Finance and Operations apps are enterprise resource planning (ERP) software as a service (SaaS) offerings that are built on and for Microsoft Azure. The Finance and Operations service provides organizations with ERP functionality that supports their unique requirements and helps them adjust to constantly changing business environments, without requiring that they manage infrastructure.


Dynamics 365 Finance

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance enables organizations to monitor the performance of financial operations in real-time, predict outcomes, and make data-driven decisions to drive business agility and growth. It empowers users to do business anywhere, anytime, with an intuitive user interface personalized for their roles and preferences.

Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management empowers employees and organizations with the ability to obtain a unified view of inventory, warehouse, manufacturing, service, and logistics with predictive analytics that turn data into insights to support better strategic decisions.

Dynamics 365 Commerce

Dynamics 365 Commerce—built on the proven Dynamics 365 Retail capabilities—delivers a comprehensive omnichannel solution that unifies back-office, in-store, call center, and digital experiences. Dynamics 365 Commerce enables you to build brand loyalty through personalized customer engagements, increase revenue with improved employee productivity, optimize operations to reduce costs, and drive supply chain efficiencies, ultimately delivering better business outcomes.

Dynamics 365 Human Resources

Dynamics 365 Human Resources automates human resources tasks throughout the employment life cycle, including organization management, hiring, compensation, benefits, leave and absence, performance, and more. Also, the management of compensation and benefits, employee performance and ensure that your human resource programs meet changing global regulations.